Transport Research Institute


Railway passenger transport

  • development of feasibility studies for railway nodes, terminals for integrated passenger transport,
  • performance of opinion polls in order to determine the behaviour of passengers and quantification of potential transport demand,
  • performance of surveys oriented on the use of transport modes following the railway transport in the area of integrated transport systems implementation,
  • assessment of prospective railway sections and relations on the network of ŽSR (Railways of the Slovak Republic),
  • development of feasibility studies for the upgrading of railway corridors,
  • development of feasibility studies for the introduction of a unified standard for the electronic passenger dispatch within integrated transport systems.

Railway freight transport

  • development of studies on diagnostics within the railway infrastructure management,
  • elaboration of concepts and studies aimed at the revitalization and construction of intermodal transport terminals,
  • demand analyses of transport flows and studies on intermodal terminals to cover volumes in the intermodal transport.

Railway infrastructure safety

  • studies to increase safety and reliability in both passenger and freight railway transport,
  • analysis of the need for the upgrading of lines and railway stations and the implementation of safety measures,
  • possibilities of increasing the level of security at railway junctions.

Railway infrastructure development

  • optimisation of the preparation and implementation of railway development projects,
  • analysis and proposal of sustainable financing and investments in the railway transport sector,
  • studies aimed at the strengthening of the railway sector in the Slovak transport system,
  • effective organisation and planning in the railway transport sector,
  • analysis and quantification of the potential of intermodal transport,
  • feasibility studies for the revitalization of railway stations,
  • assessment of climate change impact on the railway infrastructure,
  • development of a methodology and incorporating climate change impact assessment in infrastructure plans / projects into existing processes at national level,
  • optimisation of the costs of the railway infrastructure managed by ŽSR,
  • analysis of investment costs required for the implementation of development projects,
  • consulting on the drawing of EU funds within the upgrading of railway lines,
  • financial and economic model of regional interval railway transport,
  • financial and economic models of InterCity and EuroCity trains,
  • studies on the quantification of adequate performance under public service contract.

Support for activities of national authorities

  • elaboration and adjustments to the consolidated Slovak version of the RID regulation,
  • elaboration and adjustments to the revised Slovak version of the Agreement on International Goods Transport by Rail (SMGS),
  • development and approximation of EU regulations and directives with the Slovak legislation,
  • assessment of the fulfilment of Kyoto Protocol commitments,
  • consulting on the preparation and implementation of projects co-financed from EU funds.

Division of Research and Development

Ing. Ľubomír PALČÁK
Director General, Chairman of the Board

CONTACT: 00421/41/5686 201